Monday, June 25, 2007

Free Movies, Art Camp and Ice Cream

I'm slacking on the posts here- it's been almost a week!
Our days last week were filled with art. (At least the kids' days were filled with art, mine were filled with the blessing of a quiet house.) The boys participated in art camp in the village where they painted and drew some fun pictures. It turns out the instructor is our neighbor and the last day was party day at her house where the kids had cake and ice cream and got to swim and canoe. We were able to walk down to the party and then some of the other moms came back to our house with me for a little "mom party"... you know, a little food and a lot of kids NOT running around yelling.
This summer must be slated for art classes because there is a weekly class running at the corner church and the boys attended the first one last week and will continue throughout the summer. Nathan's class is working with clay and they are making some really cute tiles- I think of the Garden of Eden. Sully's class is working on watercolor portraits I could really see the effort in his first painting. He didn't like it but he's awfully hard on himself. I'll try to remember to take photos of their artwork to post tomorrow.
For our weekend treat, Kevin drove us down to Ben and Jerry's where we all indulged in a little ice cream. We entertained ourselves with the pictures on the wall of the Vermonster and those who'd attempted to eat this monstrosity (pun intended).
Tomorrow, bright and early, we'll be heading down to the local movie theater to catch a free showing of Charlotte's Web. It's a great way to spend a hot summer morning and I understand that there are theaters all over that offer the same kind of free summer movie program. Our local bowling alley has a free summer program as well where the kids can bowl one free game per day all summer. We haven't been down there yet this year, but the summer is still young.

1 comment:

Irene said...

What a great way to be a part of the kids lives! Really enjoyed this. Done very well! Keep it up.
We love you Sully! Grammy and Grandpa