Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Dog Redeemed

Puppy school tonight was much better than last week. Duke, although still a little (okay, a lot) wild, was less obnoxious. He performed his puppy push-ups perfectly! (How do you like that alliteration?) He only barked once or twice, he played nicely with the other dogs and he did an almost flawless "recall", a task, which I truly thought he'd fail miserably due to the distraction of the other dogs. Progress, definitely a good thing! The best part of class was that we started the lesson on walking nicely on leash!!!! Finally!!! We're going to have to practice but again, even with the distractions, he didn't do a terrible job. The boys were a little disappointed that they didn't get to work with him much tonight because everything was new and the difficulty level is higher than in the previous classes. They'll be able to practice this week and "show off" with him next class. They have been really good at working with him during the week and he actually listens to them most of the time.

1 comment:

Geezer said...

Well, your godfather finally got around to catching up with your blog/news. I've been so focused on getting my big project completed that the brain cells devoted to such enjoyments as reading your blog have been tucked away in some remote bundle of my cerebrum.

Anyway, you all seem to be enjoying yourselves, even the dog. Looks like N has lost all of his baby fat, and then some.

I'm surprised that is so incredibly restrictive regarding HTML tags. Or do you have control over that?

Happy July 4.