Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Things are looking up...

the scale is going down. One pound to be exact. That makes 6 in all! I started a week long "detox" diet yesterday -mainly fruits, veggies, rice and some lean protein. It seems very healthy but what a shock to the system! Yesterday my stomach protested and today my head but I slept better last night than I have in a really long time. I'm looking forward to benefits later in the week. I don't know that I'll stay on such a restrictive diet much longer than a week but I really needed another kick-start as well as to purge my daily consumption of junk food. I was having a hard time allowing myself "just one" candy or cookie when 3 looked so much better. So, for this week... I'm on the wagon! I was also really bummed to find out that my Pilate's classes have almost doubled in cost- too rich for my blood- and next Monday will be my last class. My instructor looking to get out on his own especially after losing several clients due to the price hike- hopefully something will come together soon for him but until then we may look at joining the Y as a family. I've been slacking on walking but I plan to pick that back up this week as well. Perhaps I'll even pull out the exercise tapes.


Denise said...

Congrats on losing a pound, you are doing great sweety.

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Congrats on another pound gone! I'm at a total of 6lb loss, too. Too bad about your Pilates class. Can you get some videos instead? I know it's harder to stay motivated at home, but it definitely is cheaper! :-) Keep on making healthy choices!

Briana said...

Congrats on the loss! Keep it up!