Monday, August 13, 2007

Music Makers

Today was the first day of band for Sully and recorder for Nathan (and me). For Sully, this is old hat and he predictably did a good job. He's taking beginning band to brush up on theory but is also playing sheet music with the concert band. It seems to be a good combination for him. Nathan was very excited about class and did very well. His class is a very gentle introduction to recorder and music theory. I really like the instructor. Nathan can now tell you what a staff, quarter note and quarter rest are and he can play a B and C. We practiced this evening and he didn't want to stop. There are 5 lines of music on his practice page and after playing line 2 he emitted a belly laugh and said, "That was SO fun!"

1 comment:

Geezer said...

Nathan's laugh reminded me of a similar situation. Many years ago, I knew an elementary school student who began taking clarinet for the first time, and one night at home, he decided to jump ahead and try playing the next exercise or two in his book. Before that, it had just been notes, and when he heard the tune of "Mary Had a Little Lamb," or a similar tune, coming out of his clarinet, his smile got so broad that he couldn't continue blowing on his reed. It was one of the most charming smiles I have seen in my life.