Saturday, August 11, 2007

Birthday Party, Scouts and Indian Food

This was a full but fun Saturday. It started with an early scout meeting for Sully- the troop's yearly planning meeting, scheduled from 8 to 4. Wow! That must have been some meeting!! Boy Scouts is quite a different organization in comparison to Cubs- the boys are in charge so some things are... slightly less efficient- but a great learning opportunity!
Sully attended for only a few hours in the morning because a friend of both boys had a birthday party this afternoon. What a great party it was too! They rented a giant blow up water slide and between burgers, cake, presents and such the kids entertained themselves with sliding, squirt guns and water balloons. Both boys have come home tired. But the coolest thing about the party was that we were able to drop them off and enjoy a few hours of adult time. We were really spoiled last year in VA where both grandmas were so close. This was our first outing sans kids since we've been back in FL... we really need to find a good babysitter!
Other than just enjoying an uninterrupted conversation, Kevin and I had a good time rummaging at a church rummage sale, eating Indian food and perusing the health food store- okay, I loved all three and Kevin was happy with the Indian food. We also took a drive down by the beach where we found an open house. Real estate is still in a slump around here so there are lots of open house and reduced price signs out.
I'm typing today on our new-to-us toy. Kevin found a great deal on a laptop so we've upgraded. It amazes me that this tiny machine has so much more space and is so much faster than our big computer, which in it's defence is several years older than Nathan. I really like it!

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