Sunday, September 30, 2007

Weekend Happenings

Kevin had a three day weekend since he worked last Saturday and it's been very pleasant having him home. He spent Friday on house projects like spraying insulation above our family room and school room. That was hot and heavy work! The boys and I had a pretty productive school day even with Daddy home; we're usually distracted and trying to hang out with him.

I've been inspired by *some * very * creative* mom's and their terrific nature studies to start nature journals of our own. I've always had it in the back of my mind to do them but I always seem to get hung up on the "doing it right". Basically organized, perfect and reflecting what we're studying and for some reason, it never seems to happen so I decided to just start. Imperfect, haphazard and we had so much fun! We observed our backyard, listened to the birds, watched the dog, stopped to pull a spent firework from his mouth, then settled down to draw pictures of our soap aloe. We did these drawing in pencil but I'm eager to experiment with some water colors, colored pencils and other media. The boys really did a great job. Sully decided to draw what he imagined one of the birds we were listening to looked like because with Duke running around we couldn't get any to come close enough to truly observe.




I may have to check out one of my favorite nature journal books next time we're at the library. I LOVE this book and have checked it out several times already!

Saturday we drove out to Orlando to meet my godfather who was in town for a reunion of the school where he used to teach in Venezuela. We enjoyed visiting over a really yummy Brazilian buffet.

We also discovered that it's probably better to stay off the freeway until love-bug season is over!

Kevin and I watched a Netflix movie, our first one for fun- we usually do documentaries for school- and enjoyed a quiet evening after the boys went to bed.

This morning we got up late, enjoyed a late breakfast complements of Kevin (did I mention I have a terrific husband?) and went straight to work. Kevin's focus has been the lawn. He mowed and then concocted a special spray from beer, soap, ammonia and tobacco to treat it. He's gotten some really good formulas from books by Jerry Baker- we can't testify as to how well they work yet but we'll keep you posted. I've been catching up on the never ending mountain of laundry and cleaning out the garage. Our camping supplies have all been organized into one bin and we have the beginnings of a pretty good give away pile. I also worked on sorting some books to save for our annual home-school sale and some to donate. The boys helped Kevin for a while and Nathan helped me with the laundry until the neighbors invited them to swim, which is where they spent the better part of the afternoon.

After swimming, the boys came home and cleaned up and we spent some time reading.

Kevin has also made dinner (good man, I tell ya!)

and we're enjoying the breeze coming through the open windows. Today is coolish (low 80's) and dry.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Night Visitor

I heard commotion outside to the tune of a loudly barking dog (ours). Doubting that it was anything too scary (knowing his tendency to bark at the grill, clarinet, and other harmless things), I decided to investigate. Duke was on our porch barking at the corner and look who he found...

Poor guy was really frightened (the toad)- the other guy just wanted to see what toad tasted like- It's all fun and games until someone gets eaten. Fortunately Nathan was able to hold the dog while I shooed the toad off the porch and into the safety of the bushes, but not before I took pictures ...of course!

I also like this last blurry picture of him.

And couldn't resist adding a picture of the not quite full moon. It was just beautiful.

Would You Like some Rocket with Your Toast?

We are in a unique place where we're sometimes surprised by rockets. I don't always keep up with the launches but when I hear that rumble, I no longer think, "What is that noise? tornado? train? unknown natural disaster? airplane getting ready to crash into our house?" And we still rush outside to look. When I turned to come back inside this morning I noticed a gift bag on my porch, which can only mean one thing, the fruit and vegetable fairy has paid me a visit. Every so often, when I least expect it, she'll drop a bag of yummy produce on my porch. She has these amazing, fragrant starfruit growing in her back yard, something I'd never seen before moving to Florida.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


This term, Kids Klub, is putting on a play about Esther. Sully, who has had only small parts in the past, has been cast as Haman. He has 27 lines!!! This is quite a jump for Sully, he's usually the quiet kid. He did so well during his last play that he's gotten a larger part this time. He's also one of the bigger kids now. So, today was an exciting day!

Monday, September 24, 2007

A Whole Lot of Shakin' Goin' On

I'd posted last week about our Magic Bullet Butter, which was lovely by the way, but we've been meaning to make butter sans technology for a while. Our most recent read-aloud, The Swiss Family Robinson, was the catalyst for making butter like their family did. Now, I am certain that the Robinsons did NOT have a Magic Bullet and even though we made some magically delicious and super easy butter we decided to try a more authentic method. (Unfortunately, Gil, we don't have access to a churn but that sounds really neat.) The next best thing was to shake, shake, shake a mason jar half full of cream.

The boys shook. And shook.

And shook. And shook.

I shook, they shook, everyone shook. Boy, did we shake. To be honest, I didn't do too much shaking but the boys did. I also was slightly uncertain whether or not we would have positive results.
But... we did!!!

Here's the final product.

And we even had some buttermilk.

Friday, September 21, 2007

I won!!!

Christina over at A Walk in My Garden held a back to blogging give away and I won one of the prizes!!! Books by G.A. Henty. I'm really excited as these focus on American history, which we'll be moving on to within the next month. Thanks Christina!!!

Wild Vegetation and the Fruits of Our Labor

I'm thankful for my fleas. Inspired by this post, over at The Flourishing Mother, I decided that while I long for fall; for cooler weather, apple picking, pumpkin patches and sweaters; I'm ignoring the blessings surrounding me here, in this place. So, for those of you who are gearing up for the crisp weather, here's a taste of what's in store for us- our second growing season; time outdoors after a long summer of yard neglect; flowers, and fruit.

Our second generation tomatoes-
I'd tossed the rotting or otherwise unusable tomatoes down to the end of the garden for compost and lo and behold we have new plants- with blooms!

This is Kevin's only surviving tomato plant, planted from saved seed- Duke ate the others.

Limes and lemons (just turning yellow)-

Today, I looked up into our jasmine vine to see a strange flower. Thinking it was one of the many undesirable vines we have on our property, I wondered if we'd be able to find the root and pull it out. Upon further investigation, I found it to be another sole survivor. The boys and I planted morning glory and moon flower seeds back in the spring. We had several come up in the front yard, but they met an untimely end, due to the lawn guys and weed killer... how they looked like weeds, I'm not sure. I'd given those in the back yard up for lost as we'd never seen so much as a sprout. Somehow, this one grew to the top of the jasmine and sits up there blooming away. (Can you tell it's been too hot for us to be outside lately- we hadn't even noticed!)

Here is an actual unwanted vine. I'd been told it's in the kudzu family but after researching, I find it to be a balsam apple. It is invasive and will cover trees, which is too bad because the flowers and the pods are very attractive.

We have hibiscus, blooming and budding; and bougainvillea.


And figs!!!!! Two, to be exact, but the former state of this tree left us doubting that it would ever produce.

Here's a great blue heron, who visited our neighbor's dock and caused great commotion with our dog. The heron didn't seem to notice, or care.

What many blessings and naught to cause complaint!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Tomorrow is Friday!

So the title isn't very creative but creativity has gone to bed. This week seemed unusually busy due to our many activities on top of catching up from being out of town.
Monday started with band and recorder, both of which are still a lot of fun. Nathan and I have done better keeping up with practicing this week, we were slacking there for a while; Sully continues to do well and remembers to practice almost every day.
Tuesday we met for Kids Klub, where I am the game lady. I went in unprepared but managed to pull some fun out of a hat and kept the kids busy for a while. Sully auditioned for the play that they'll be putting on this term. Nathan didn't have to audition since the younger kids won't be playing the main characters but will be a part of the parade and chorus.
Wednesday led us to visit with our good friends; the boys played while I chatted. We left with a yummy pot roast dinner cooked especially for us. What a blessing to have such nice friends! I started a Women's Bible Study focusing on spiritual, mental and physical health. I really think I'm going to enjoy it.
This morning, Thursday, was our monthly visit to a local nursing home. This will be our third year (aside from those months we missed while living up north) and the residents were remarking today how much fun they've had seeing the boys grow. They also remarked on Sully's progress with the clarinet, which he almost always brings to play for them. Sully had chorus this evening so we squeezed our school day in between outings.
And tomorrow is Friday!!! I'm looking forward to a full day of school, the laundry is done and the house is straight (mostly). We'll be going to Cub Scout School Night tomorrow night though, it's Nathan's turn to be a Cub Scout. I can hardly believe it! It seems like yesterday when Sully was a tiger and Nathan was the "den baby" who accompanied us on all the camp outs and made sure to wake everyone with a loud screech really early in the morning. We have some great family memories of scouting with Sully and I'm looking forward to repeating the experience.

Where's the Beef?

Remembering Summer... I wrote this one way back in April and I don't know why I never posted it. I'd probably intended to write more and never did. Or maybe I thought I'd add a picture and... never did.

Our tomatoes are coming up and turning red... not just the grape tomatoes either but the "regular" ones as well. Kevin was able to pick three this weekend! We had some really yummy white bread in our pantry and these beautiful tomatoes sitting on the counter. Since there is nothing better than a homegrown tomato on really good white bread with a little mayo, I decided a tomato sandwich was in order. I was happily putting my sandwich together when a hungry Nathan entered the kitchen. I offered him a tomato sandwich to which he responded, perplexed look and all, "A tomato sandwich? Like with ham and cheese, right?" We are apparently raising at least one carnivore.

Monday, September 17, 2007

A Touch of Autumn

Cooler weather always gives me that nostalgic feeling of playing tag after dark, trick-or-treat and high school football games- Missing those long summer days but longing for hot cocoa in front of crackling fires. It's happy and sad all at same time. We enjoyed a little of that cooler weather this weekend during a very sad time. It seemed fitting. King of Prussia is a beautiful place, I only wish to have experienced it under different circumstances. Both visits have been to attend the funerals of two extraordinary people, my husband's grandparents. They were kind, accepting, generous beyond measure and a whole lot of fun. They came into my life well after my own grandparents were gone and were terrific stand-ins.
I was especially close with my father's mother and was fortunate to have her and my grandad living two doors down during my childhood. What an awesome way to grow up! I still miss them. They were extraordinary people too.
But aren't I the lucky one to have had the pleasure of another set of grandparents! Nancy was much like my own grandma in personality and manner and I enjoyed the time I was able to spend with her. I loved having her for my boys as well. She was wonderful to them and they loved her immensely. I worried that since Nathan had been saying special prayers for her healing, her death would shake his faith. I needn't have. His prayers have changed to ask for Granny to have a good life in heaven and to thank God for the time we were able to spend with her.
Her funeral was lovely, the day bright and beautiful. Surrounded by family and friends, in death as she was in life. I am blessed to have had her in my life.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Pale Yellow Goodness

A little of this...

(that says cream)

Add some of this...

And you get...

Homemade Butter!!!!!

My first attempt at homemade butter, and I think it went pretty well. I may have added a little too much salt to the rinse water but for my premier pat, it's not bad. We've been very fortunate to find a local source for dairy products and I've been intending to make butter for some time now. I've also been intending to post on our awesome discovery of a source for fresh milk... that may be a future blog entry but for now, the butter will have to do.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Remembered Joy

"For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life, and I shall raise him on the last day" John 6:40 Irish Prayer by Shannon Moseley

Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free
I'm following the path God laid for me.
I saw his face, I heard his call
I took his hand and left it all.
I could not stay another day
To love, to laugh, to work, or play;
Tasks left undone must stay that way.
If my parting has left a void,
then fill it with remembered joy
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss
Yes, these things, I too shall miss.
My life's been full, I've savored much:
Good times, good friends, a loved-one's touch.
Perhaps my time seemed all too brief-
Don't shorten yours with undue grief.
Be not burdened with tears of sorrow,
Enjoy the sunshine of the morrow.
Lift up your heart and share with me,
God called me home and set me free.

Nancy Kelly McGuigan McGinn

May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall softly upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

"He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death or mourning, wailing or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." Revelation 21:4

Thursday, September 6, 2007


Other parts of the country are gearing up for cool crisp evenings while still relishing the lingering days of summer, we're only dreaming of fall.

We read this book tonight with its wonderful illustrations that remind me of pumpkin picking last year. This year we'll revert back to our Florida tradition of choosing a pumpkin from a local church's "pumpkin patch". It's always a family event. They do a good job decorating for fall and I could almost believe autumn was here, but the weather usually gives it away. We'll be glad to continue the tradition of pumpkin carving with Uncle Chris and Cori, which we really missed last year.

And then while perusing online, I came across this offer posted on one of my favorite blogs. Seasonal Delights, indeed! It is a lovely magazine with beautiful photographs, offered free through the end of September.

Stormy Marriage

I mentioned in a previous post that Kevin and I have had quite a stormy relationship. I'd planned to post this blog entry on our official anniversary, but better late than never. This story of anniversaries past explains why this is the first year we've really gotten to do something special and why it wouldn't have been complete without a storm.

The tumult began on September 4, 1999. We got married despite loud protests from Dennis. Virginia suffered a direct hit. We had a wedding to remember.

That same year, Floyd teased us while causing the largest peace time evacuation in the history of the United States. We survived, a little road weary, but blessed by the path he took.

Then, we were surprised by Irene, who seemed to sneak in the back door and kept us up all night with her noise.

The next year I was pregnant and then the next held cousin Michelle's wedding followed by Grandpa Ken's funeral, which extinguished the mood for any anniversary celebrations.

There were a couple of peaceful years after that just to keep us guessing, but in 2004 we experienced quite an upheaval. First came Charley, who grazed us leaving only a small mess in our yard. My mom was here for Frances, who came during a tragedy in our lives and left Kevin and I to evacuate separately. She was followed closely by Ivan, who managed to lengthen our separation. I arrived home just in time to be chased out by Jeanne. Thankfully, our family was together while she raged by.

A reprieve came the year after Jeanne but last year, on the way to NY, Ernesto followed us the whole way, blurring our view and turning a long drive into an even longer one.

We're back in Florida now. The worst storm missed us completely. I feel very fortunate to have weathered the others with little damage to property and no loss of life or limb. Ideally the bumps in the road serve to strengthen one's marriage, one's character, one's resolve. We have avoided the bumps in lieu of the storm. It has caused us to become more flexible, stronger, more thankful, more reliant on God, and one another.

Over the years I've become very sensitive to the words "mandatory evacuation" and listen intently for them when the threat of a hurricane darkens our door. I feel something of a camaraderie with those who "hunker down" and know what it's like to live with plywood on the windows, with those who know by heart the contents of a hurricane survival kit and those who evacuate only to come home to no electricity in the heat of a Florida summer. I feel compassion for those who have gone home to find that home is no longer there. I'm sure, living where we live, we have not seen our last hurricane, but we continue to pray for divine protection and to be grateful for the blessings we have enjoyed over the past eight years... despite the storms, and possibly because of them.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

St. Augustine

Kevin and I spent last weekend in the "the nation's oldest city", St. Augustine. The boys were lucky enough to have Grandma down from VA to spoil them rotten without the prying eyes of parents to ruin a good time. We all enjoyed the break. It is amazing how much adult conversation occurs without interruption from the back seat- I forgot I had that much to say!

We started our Saturday with a stop on the way for BBQ. YUM! This place did not disappoint.
We drove the rest of the way to the hotel where we were able to check in early and after a short rest from the long drive, we proceeded into historic St. Augustine. We made a pit stop at the San Sebastian Winery for a tasting and a tour then headed over the Bridge of Lions to the St. Augustine Lighthousewhere we braved all 219 steps to the top. That was some climb! The lookout was amazing, the view breathtaking, and I was a little nervous. I'm not usually afraid of heights but standing on a small balcony with a VERY thin metal barrier between me and the extremely long drop to the ground was intimidating and made me grateful that the kids weren't there. That would have been enough to cause a panic attack in the Dali Lama. Unfortunately (or possible fortunately due to our next adventure), we forgot the camera for this portion of our trip- all the photos were taken on Sunday.

We left the lighthouse and walked around the historic district, which is a hot tourist destination. We didn't go to the fort or any of the museums, as we've seen most of them during previous visits with the kids. Instead, we moseyed over to our favorite pub for an early dinner.

Kevin had fish-n-chips and I ordered a scotch egg- and again... YUM! But what a bummer, the pub's for sale so it might not be there next time.

As we were sitting down enjoying our very British food we were watching the sky grow dark. Before we were able to settle up and get out of there, the bottom dropped. We waited and waited for the rain to stop and once it had slowed significantly, we decided to make a run for the car. Did I mention the car was several blocks away? And we heard the waitress mention how quickly downtown floods? And I didn't plot out our course before we took off running? And the map got wet and fell apart? And ALL the streets look the same when you are drenched and running knee deep through water praying that lightening won't strike you dead? Thankfully, lightening did not strike and we made it to the car safe but wet. We've had quite a "stormy relationship", as many of you already know, so this only adds to our repertoire.

The rest of our trip was less eventful. We browsed outlets and turned in early. Then in the morning we sampled the hotel's continental breakfast and enjoyed frozen cappuccinos during a quick stroll around the city. We didn't stay too long on Sunday and managed to find the car just as the drops of rain from this storm started.

On the way home we decided to stop at The Lone Cabbage for atmosphere and a bite to eat. We did not go out on an air boat because of another pending storm.

What an awesome weekend! Thanks Mom, for watching the boys. I know they had as much fun as we did. In closing, here's a couple of pictures of the boys and Grandma before we left to take her to the airport.

When did Sully get this tall?

Trouble in a Chair, Revisited