Nathan and Kevin went camping early in the month. The theme was Pinewood Derby.
They made cars, did archery, and BB'S, but the favorite thing seemed to be racing around a "track" in a cardboard box.

Sully and I skipped that camping trip due to a chorus rehearsal, boy scout event and choral performance. That was one busy weekend! Kevin and Nathan got home in time to see the concert. The chorus did such a great job. This picture is a little blurry but it was a really neat Aboriginal song, complete with bongos, dancing and clapping.
Sully ready for his big performance (where I couldn't take inside photos) at our local performing arts center. This was the best concert of the season. They were able to perform with the local symphony in front of a full house, 2,000 people, and did a terrific job. And, oh, so handsome!
Decorating our Christmas tree.

This must have been a good branch.

Santa... all of our photos were blurry but we always purchase one and this year has to be the best one yet.
Christmas Eve dinner.

Christmas morning.
Sully asked for mainly books and games.

Nathan asked for this puppet and a briefcase... what would a 6 year old want with a briefcase? Well, to put things in, of course!
Our latest "gingerbread" houses... next time we'll keep them out of Duke's reach- he sampled these and deemed them good.
We'll be taking off until January 9th at which time, we'll hit the books again. In the meantime, I'll be doing some cleaning, organizing, playing and resting. The boys will participate in the latter two. We had a really good December, I hope yours was as enjoyable.
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