The theme was Galilee by the Sea and the church transformed their fellowship hall to a Galilean marketplace, the youth building became the synagogue school and the sand pit, with a boat, fishing nets and scenery, was the sea.

They began each evening by gathering with their tribes outside, sitting on blankets. Sully and Nathan were in the tribe of Judah... Sully thought it was especially cool because of this shirt that he got for Christmas and loves. They were led in song and dancing (hand motions) as a group and then turned to their tribes to experience some rituals that the tribes of Israel would have practiced. Those that I remember include lighting the "oil lamp", "kissing" the Mezuzah, and smelling the spices.

After tribe time the kids went to the marketplace, the synagogue school or the sea. They had lessons in the school, games at the sea and crafts in the marketplace.
While I had planned to make this only one post, I find that I have so many pictures that I will break them up into several posts so look for the second installment soon.
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