I'm not sure what made me think organizing Lego's would be a great family activity but here we are.

Kevin pulled out the camera to record our fortune in Lego's but after looking at these pictures I feel the need to explain the gross multitude. First, both boys love Lego's thus they are a popular request for Christmas, birthdays, and outings with grandparents as well as the end to the "I'm saving my money for" goal. So a portion of this pile is a 7 year collection. We were also blessed to be the recipients of a huge (and by huge, I mean HUGE) bin of Lego's from our former neighbors when their son went away to college.
We worked and sorted for a little over 4 hours (no I'm not kidding), the boys were getting tired and I was Lego-ed out but believe it or not as we were picking up Nathan asked if we could sort Lego's again as soon as we get up in the morning!!! Oh my! Needless to say we are not finished yet but the ultimate goal is to put all (or most) of the sets together, decide if any are past their playing prime and then have access to the favorites to hopefully end (or greatly decrease) the "I can't finds". We'll just have to see if it happens as soon as we get up.
I also want to point out the not-eating-Lego's-dog in the background. Good boy Duke!!!
I know what you mean about the Legos. We may even have you beat on the amount! We organized them awhile ago too, into color. Evan likes it this way, but it is harder to clean up at the end of the day. Sorting into original sets is a good idea. You'll have to take a picture of it when it's all done.
I wouldn't call it a dumb idea, but I'm questioning the sanity of it. lol.
We have a very similar lego collection, so no need to explain to me.
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