Wednesday, June 6, 2007

First Day of School

Puppy Kindergarten, that is...
The whole family took Duke for his first training class this evening and what an adventure! He was the biggest goof and started out by making a spectacle of himself- barking and jumping at the other puppies.
Then class got started. We began in a circle with the dogs on leashes but directly after introductions the trainer said, "All dogs off leash, no one touch the puppies." I was sure she didn't mean our huge beast as he easily out-weighed every dog by at least 20lbs. Boy was I wrong! After a few nervous minutes of anticipation, thinking Duke would make a puppy pancake, I began to relax. He actually started to calm down a little and found a friend in the Boston Terrier, Lu-Lu. She put him in his place and they had a grand old time.
Notice the tiny, scared puppies in the background of these photos.

Next came Puppy Push-ups... these are the sit, down, stand and roll-over commands. Duke did an excellent job... He's gifted. The boys got in on the action and he listened to them amazingly well. After that, we traded puppies so they'd get used to being handled by different people and while watching Duke do sit and down for other people (one being a young girl) I decided there is hope for him yet. He's been very rotten around the house lately and I was beginning to wonder if we'd acquired a canine tornado that would never be tamed.
Here is Nathan demonstrating "stand" and Sully showing "sit".

After class Duke played with a Chocolate Lab who'd skipped the first playtime. Scooby was a little intimidated and Duke was obnoxious!

All in all a really good thing and we'll go back next week.

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