Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Going Green

According to this survey, I'm over half way there.

Your Life is 72% Green

You live a very green life, and you're aware of how your actions help the earth.

Of course, it's hard to be totally green. But when you make a tradeoff, you know why you're making it.

How Green Is Your Life?

HT to Dawn

I'd also like to offer a book recommendation for Earth Day... Serve God, Save the Planet by Dr. J. Matthew Sleeth. I read this book after winning it from a former blog and was reminded of how much of an impact our personal choices have on the environment. It inspired me to do better than what we've been doing, just a step at a time. The current "step" I'm working on is to remember to take our reusable bags to the grocery store - they usually make it to the parking lot where I conveniently leave them in the car, luckily running out to the car to get them is the exact type of errand for which teenagers are made!!

Not only is it Earth day, but today is also Jelly Bean day!! We'll be celebrating by reading a quick blurb about our "jelly bean president", going on a virtual tour of the Jelly Belly factory and heading to the store for a jelly bean treat- YUM!

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