Sunday, April 27, 2008

Missed the Mark

On posting those photos, that is. I'm going to use the excuse that I've been using for everything all week- the boys have both been hit with "THE CRUD!!!". They've had sore throats, fevers, coughs and basically feel terrible. Nathan was even up a couple nights in a row, one in which he scared his parents terribly with an awful barking cough and complaints of not being able to breath. After we ruled out an asthma attack (he doesn't even have asthma) and calmed him down, we decided a trip to the ER was not necessary but that not being able to breath thing had us concerned for a while. He was up the following night as well with stomach aches, which means that I've been up for a couple of nights too. Sully was hit with the worst of it a day or two later and feels just as bad as Nathan did, but true to his nature, is much more laid back about it. Hopefully things will be back to normal next week but we'll be skipping our homeschool co-op tomorrow, just to have one more day of recovery.

1 comment:

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

praying theyll be better again real soon