Sunday, February 22, 2009

We're a Talented Bunch

At least the men in the family are! And they were able to show off all that talent tonight at the church talent show. We've been attending the talent show for the past few years and the boys have participated every year but this was the first year Kevin got in on the act.

This is the only picture I took. Sully was "Luke" who had just wrecked the Land Rover and worried that his dad was coming to holler at him. Darth Vader is Nathan, newspaper, fuzzy slippers and all. Sully's other number was a ventriloquist act... he doesn't do ventriloquism... it was funny! Kevin did three great impressions while reading from Goodnight Moon... gonged (by request) each time, to the chagrin of a few audience members.

We enjoyed both dinner and the show. The youth group uses this as one of their major fundraisers for a summer trip to Montreat.

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