This is what we did this past weekend. We had been scheduled to go with our homeschool group but that trip came during the midst of our battle with the flu so we missed it.
The entrance to the maze area... a giant slide.

We were supposed to find 5 open spaces with clues... here we are at the ONE clue station we found.

It was a 6 acre maze- we spent a couple of hours wandering and only covered about 1/4 of it before we found our way out. The flag Nathan is carrying was insurance that we wouldn't be lost forever- we would only have to raise the flag and holler... Nathan was dying to raise the flag but fortunately we found the exit on our own.
arent corn mazes fun :)
I've only been in one corn maze, just south of Newtown, Pennsylvania. I was with a friend who was about Sully's age at the time but is now in his senior year at college and is heading for the London School of Economics in January for a semester abroad.
But...the neatest maze I've ever been in was in New Zealand, not a corn maze but a very large wooden construction. What made it especially great was that it was three dimensional; it had elevated sections as part of the route and blind alleys. But couldn't look down on the rest of the maze and figure things out; the lower section had roofs over it!
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