Wednesday, May 14, 2008


We've completed our end of year evaluation and have procured the letter we need to remain in the good graces of the school board. This is the first year we've participated in an "evaluation party". We got together with several friends, brought food and invited the evaluator over to evaluate and eat... does that count as bribery? Only kidding! She was very easy going and the boys were not at all intimidated- for some reason I thought they might be a little nervous... that of course was me. Our group of "evaluatees" consisted of 3 boys and 3 girls- the differences were amusing to watch. The girls, each in turn, had LOADS of things they wanted to show and talk about and the boys did their obligatory "hellos", answered the necessary questions and hurried back out to play. I don't suppose that will change too much in the future. It's good to have that over with for another year.

1 comment:

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

Im pleased for you