Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Coming out of the fog

Boy, was that a nasty cold! First, the boys... then me. Fortunately, Kevin dodged that bullet.

There were several days last week that were down days for everyone, with one or more of us nursing headaches, body aches, stuffed heads and fever. Looking back, I think we've actually been host to this cold for a couple of weeks! This cold was like fish and company... I wish it had gone after three days... it stunk!

Despite the down days, there were days we just plugged along, germs and all.
We attended the kick-off for our homeschool co-op and signed up again for next year- the last day of "classes" was yesterday and even though we've all really enjoyed it, I, for one, am glad for a break. We also finished up this season of Kids Klub with two shows, a visit to the nursing home and a cast party. The best part of the weekend of performances was that my mom came down to visit. There's nothing like a visit from Grandma to make for a good weekend! She was able to see the boys in their play, go to the beach, attend the last day of co-op where the kids demonstrated what they've learned, and even attended Nathan's cub scout meeting. What astounded her the most, however, was having to look up at Sully!
And I do have pictures to post but true to character (lately) they are still in the camera. I'm afraid to set the goal this week of posting them because last time I did that, I failed to meet that goal... which only added guilt to my poor sick bones. Ok, I wasn't really that guilty but the perfectionist in me cringes at not meeting goals... I'm working on that. So, even though it is NOT a goal to get the pictures posted this week, I'll be working on that too.

1 comment:

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

sori youve been sick

how nice to have your mom come visit

have a good week