Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Whoooo is Making that Noise???

I picked up several Christmas and winter books from the library last week and this afternoon we settled down to read them. (We have to experience a white Christmas any way we can since our Christmases are frequently 80 degrees with snow a distant daydream.) We were all 3 snuggled on the sofa enjoying the stories when we got to one of our favorites. Owl Moon is a sweet, quiet, calm kind of story but apparently Duke hadn't gotten that memo because as soon as I got to the "Who-who-who-who-who-whooooo" part of the book we had quite the rambunctious puppy on our hands. Duke decided he either really liked that part or really didn't. His ears perked up then, in a flash, he was up in my face -a ball of wild fur. Of course, then two noisy owls were hooting furiously to get his attention. Fun afternoon story time!

1 comment:

Geezer said...

It's always amused me how even the most laid-back dogs in the world (which is not, apparently, an apt description of your young canine)will react to anything that is not standard in their environment. As long as one is talking in a standard voice and with common vocabulary, dogs pretty much ignore what's being said. One exception, of course, is if you are using words that the dog understands. Your dad and Uncle Jim often had me laughing helplessly when they'd sit and pretend to be having a conversation but using only words (and they were quite numerous) that your grandparents' poodle understood. Her reaction was beyond description and hilarious.