Sunday, September 30, 2007

Weekend Happenings

Kevin had a three day weekend since he worked last Saturday and it's been very pleasant having him home. He spent Friday on house projects like spraying insulation above our family room and school room. That was hot and heavy work! The boys and I had a pretty productive school day even with Daddy home; we're usually distracted and trying to hang out with him.

I've been inspired by *some * very * creative* mom's and their terrific nature studies to start nature journals of our own. I've always had it in the back of my mind to do them but I always seem to get hung up on the "doing it right". Basically organized, perfect and reflecting what we're studying and for some reason, it never seems to happen so I decided to just start. Imperfect, haphazard and we had so much fun! We observed our backyard, listened to the birds, watched the dog, stopped to pull a spent firework from his mouth, then settled down to draw pictures of our soap aloe. We did these drawing in pencil but I'm eager to experiment with some water colors, colored pencils and other media. The boys really did a great job. Sully decided to draw what he imagined one of the birds we were listening to looked like because with Duke running around we couldn't get any to come close enough to truly observe.




I may have to check out one of my favorite nature journal books next time we're at the library. I LOVE this book and have checked it out several times already!

Saturday we drove out to Orlando to meet my godfather who was in town for a reunion of the school where he used to teach in Venezuela. We enjoyed visiting over a really yummy Brazilian buffet.

We also discovered that it's probably better to stay off the freeway until love-bug season is over!

Kevin and I watched a Netflix movie, our first one for fun- we usually do documentaries for school- and enjoyed a quiet evening after the boys went to bed.

This morning we got up late, enjoyed a late breakfast complements of Kevin (did I mention I have a terrific husband?) and went straight to work. Kevin's focus has been the lawn. He mowed and then concocted a special spray from beer, soap, ammonia and tobacco to treat it. He's gotten some really good formulas from books by Jerry Baker- we can't testify as to how well they work yet but we'll keep you posted. I've been catching up on the never ending mountain of laundry and cleaning out the garage. Our camping supplies have all been organized into one bin and we have the beginnings of a pretty good give away pile. I also worked on sorting some books to save for our annual home-school sale and some to donate. The boys helped Kevin for a while and Nathan helped me with the laundry until the neighbors invited them to swim, which is where they spent the better part of the afternoon.

After swimming, the boys came home and cleaned up and we spent some time reading.

Kevin has also made dinner (good man, I tell ya!)

and we're enjoying the breeze coming through the open windows. Today is coolish (low 80's) and dry.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

Beautiful drawings! Keep it up!The hardest part is always just getting started.