Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Weekend at Mayport, Weekend at Home

Kevin and Sully had an adventurous, if wet, time this past weekend while camping near the Mayport Naval Base with scouts. They left Friday evening after all the dads were home from work and packed for camping but didn't reach the campground until WAY after bedtime. They had arranged to eat breakfast on base the following morning and then tour a frigate, eat on base again, go bowling and finish up with dinner... on base. Plans went accordingly and they even had time to do some community service for the campground, which allowed them to camp for free. The rain, however, started sometime in the middle of their first night there and became an unwelcome camp guest for the duration of the trip. In spite of the wet weather, even Kevin seemed to have enjoyed the trip. He's a great guy- I'm not sure I'd have stayed through the rain. The kids, of course, didn't seem to mind it.

The Mayport trip left Nathan and I at home unaccompanied. We entertained ourselves with board games, a video or two, lunch out at Chic-fil-a, and ice cream. It was quiet, in a nice way, but we were glad when the wayfarers arrived home Sunday afternoon.

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