Friday, July 13, 2007

Hot, Hot, Hot

That's what it's been in our neck of the woods and after hearing from friends and family elsewhere, it seems to be that way all over. We're back to having our afternoon showers and actually drove home today teetering on the edge of a storm. As we were coming over the bridge, the river to our left was the background for a raging tempest while the river to our right was sunny and calm. Those of us on the bridge had to swipe a few drops off our windshields but remained, for the most part, dry. I don't know if this happens in other parts of the country or not but it seems to be a pretty common occurrence here... one side of the street may get rain while the other is high and dry. We were able to spend a couple of hours at the pool with some friends, however, before the clouds blew in our direction and the bottom didn't open up directly over us until we were home and well inside. Now the sun is back out.

The boys finished up a second round of Bible School this week, which they really enjoyed. All I can say is VBS has gotten much more elaborate than when I was a kid. I remember games, Bible stories of course, and a snack, which consisted of either orange popsicles or 3-4 of those butter cookies with holes in the middle that we'd put on our fingers as rings. This past week's theme was cowboy ranch for Nathan and a kind of fun boot camp for Sully, complete with barn and hay bales for the former and camouflage with an obstacle course for the latter. And the snacks? S'mores and ice cream sundaes! YUM! They both had a great time and Nathan has already asked if they can attend next year. From the boy who is still a little unsure of attending things with out one parent or another relatively close by, this is a big step and a pretty telling statement about how much fun he had.

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