Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Weigh in Week ???

I've lost track of the weeks!!! I haven't gained anything but this week was a week of maintaining. I did see a lower number earlier in the week but at weigh-in this morning I'm the same as last week. I'm not displeased (could be worse) and I know where I can do better for next week- weighing after the weekend is a killer!
Since I didn't post goals last for last week and I wasn't as successful as previous weeks, I'm going back to posting a few goals... if it's in print I'm less likely to fudge.

  1. Exercise- Pilate's twice, 5 minutes daily on the mini trampoline, 3 short walks, 2 long walks
  2. Diet- watch those darn sweets! Replace them with fruit. Pre-plan meals.
  3. Water- drink more... at least a glass before each meal.


Denise said...

Congrats on maintaining, you are doing really great dear one.

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Goals are a great way to keep on track! Congrats on maintaining.

Thea @ It's Me Vs. Me said...

Your goals sound great and congrats on not gaining. Good luck this week!