We arrived in DC on Sunday evening in time to go out to a neighborhood restaurant. Great atmosphere, great food. Kevin's mom had to work the following day but while she was working we went down to the mall and perused the art at the National Gallery. I was surprised at how much the boys seemed to pay attention to all the paintings. They lasted a whole lot longer than I had expected them to. I could have stayed all day.
Here are the art critics with a daVinci

and a Fra Angelico- 2 of the artists we've studied in our Renaissance unit.
After the museum and lunch, we picked Kevin's mom up from work where we enjoyed meeting several of the people at her office. Then we headed over to the National Shrine. The last time I was there I must have been about Sully's age and I didn't remember all the details but what stuck out was the immensity. It still seems immense!
The following day we left for Solomon's Island, MD where Kate had a conference. We spent the early part of the afternoon at the house of a family friend where the boys were able to boat and swim.

Murphy, the dog, wanted to be with the boys and followed the boat until he could be coaxed in... Kevin was a little leery because he was expecting to be swimming involuntarily before the boat got back to shore. Fortunately, Murphy did well and didn't tip the boat.
After boating the boys took a dip.

We ended the day with dinner and ice cream on the Island.
The boys were sad to leave. They LOVE visiting with their Grandmas!!! A little spoiling is a good thing!
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