I have been
very absent on this blog- almost made it a whole month with no posts! We haven't been all that busy, but maybe just a little too busy to post pictures and to think about what to say about what we've been doing. Lazy days of summer? Perhaps. Motivation comes in the fall!
I do have loads of pictures that may or may not make it on the blog but I have intentions to put at least some up.
So far this summer we've been sporadically "doing school" in between VBS, free movies, playdates, fireworks, a Raingutter Regatta (scouts) and a visit to the west coast (of FL) to visit my dear in-laws who, fortunately for us, decided to leave DC behind and come back to the land of sunshine. I've also been on a "organize and clean" mission this summer... well, really all year, but I've kicked it up a notch since coming home from our trip up to VA.
We do still have a several weeks of summer but I can see the official school year from here and while we've all thoroughly enjoyed the change of pace that summer brings, I'm looking forward to more routine weeks in the months ahead. And I do intend to post more regularly in the coming weeks.