Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick-or-Treat 2009

We'll start with the last photo of the night ...two tired Beatles.

Here's a shot of a neighbor's house... these are windows- cool, huh? You can see the pumpkin on the porch and the lights line the walk.

We had two friends join us for treats before trick-or-treat and a neighbor Ninja join us for the photo. Then the boys hit the neighborhood.

Jack-O-Lanterns and Kevin's creations- great decorating honey!!!

The ghost to usher you up the walk.

The boys' pumpkins.

The headless greeter.

Jack Skellington- this is Kevin's pumpkin... freehand no less. I'm impressed!

We'll close with our traditional shot of the boys in front of Uncle Chris' house

1 comment:

Grandma Kate said...

Worthy of framing!