Here's the book, (published in 1957)

the execution,

the waiting,

and the result.

Any experiment that involves fire or matches is a good one! Last week they concentrated sunlight with a magnifying glass and burnt a bunch of newspaper. Fortunately, they don't do this kind of experimenting without permission.
On a sad note, our guinea pig died last night. We were anticipating (0r at least everyone but Nathan was anticipating) his death. He was pretty old for a guinea pig and he'd been sick. We've said "no more small pets", but Nathan is already angling for another pocket pet. Kevin likes to call these types of pets small tragedies but I still think he may cave on the "no more small pets" decree before I do.
The last small animal that we were really attached to was Harry the Hamster. Santa brought Harry the Christmas that Sully decided to wake up and open all of his presents in the middle of the night. I'm laughing now, but I wasn't then! Kevin and I were sleeping, and had been for a whole couple of hours when a frantic 7 year old woke us up because his brand new hamster was loose in his bedroom. Hooray for Daddy who found the little bugger! That taste of freedom started Harry's career as an escape artist. Over the almost 3 years that Harry lived with us, we searched for him many a day and night and always found him, eventually. I blamed Sully for not closing the cage correctly until one night when Harry was seen scurrying into our linen closet. I picked him up, put him back into his cage and stood aside to watch him throw all his weight, claws and teeth, into opening the door. Success! After that revelation, his cage was turned with the door wedged against the wall.
Guinea came to us from a friend as "Napoleon" but we usually just called him Guinea. He certainly wasn't as adventurous as Harry, but he was sweet and we enjoyed him.
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