Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook

This is a fun idea I've seen around several of my favorite blogs so I thought I'd join in. If you'd like to participate, please visit Peggy at a Simple Woman for the how-to.

FOR TODAY, Tuesday, June 17, 2008 ...

Outside My Window... The sun is shining, it's another beautiful Florida day.

I am thinking... about the project lists I plan to create today.

I am thankful for... my children, who can entertain themselves, without TV and without making too much of a mess while I'm working on household things. And that they are always (well usually) eager or at least willing to help out when needed.

From the kitchen... soup for lunch- leftover, but homemade- served with biscuits or Irish soda bread.

I am wearing... "cleaning clothes"- jean shorts and a grey t-shirt.

I am creating... an organized, clutter-free home (this creation may take a while).

I am going... to visit a friend, with 6 acres and chickens. We'll play outside if it doesn't rain and inside if it does.

I am reading... Snow by Orhan Pamuk

I am hoping... for a nice rainy afternoon but only after we visit the chickens.

I am hearing... my boys playing and dancing to some Irish music and a lawn mower a few yards over.

Around the house... it's clean-up time. I'd thought we'd try to get some schoolwork done this week, between vacation and VBS but I've now declared it a clean and declutter week- school will wait until the last week in June.

One of my favorite things... is a tall glass of iced tea, after working in the yard.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
Cleaning, taking the boys to art class, going to the library and possibly to a class there on vegetable gardening in FL.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Everyone enjoy your day!!

1 comment:

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

your outing to the farm sounds neat

cool and interesting photo
