Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I've been tagged and Awarded!

Thanks to Jen over at My 3 boys and I- for the tag and the award! I've been a blogging sloth lately but I've started a couple of posts that should be up soon.

1. The rules are posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

What I was doing 10 years ago:

Wow! I have to think... so much has happened in 10 short years. I was 26, had a year left in school (BA Sociology), I was dating my husband- who was not yet my husband, Sully turned 3 and had the chicken pox for his third birthday and we had to postpone his party. We lived in a garage apartment behind a friend with a son Sully's age and it was a great set-up. In addition to school, I worked as a waitress on the weekends at a small but nice restaurant- my friend, from whom I rented the apartment, also worked at that restaurant. I remember that year fondly- we had a lot of fun.

Five things on my to-do list today:

Since it's late in the day some of these have already been done-
1. wait for my milk delivery... today was not one of our driving days and it was so nice to have someone bring my order here!
2. laundry... there's ALWAYS laundry.
3. figure out what's for dinner and cook. (not done yet so I'd better hurry up and finish this blog)
4. one thing we aren't doing today is school- it's spring break and while we don't always follow the public school schedule, today was a cleaning day... the boys helped by wiping baseboards in the kitchen while I dusted the dining room.
5. meet a friend who is picking up produce from our co-op for me so I don't have to drive all the way down the county... another nice thing.

Snacks that I enjoy:

Boy, do I like snacks. I'm trying to have healthier snacks as of late though, which consist of fruit, boiled eggs, yogurt and such. I REALLY like cookies, and cake, and puddings of all sorts- custards are my favorite.

Things I would do if I were a billionaire:

1.Make sure my family was set up for life

2. Buy a house in the country and a small flat in the city... oh, yeah and maybe a beach cottage- nothing too fancy though.

3. Set up college funds and inheritance for my boys

4. Travel

5. Donate everything else- a billion dollars is a lot of money, ya know!

Three of my bad habits:

Only 3???

I procrastinate, I over-commit, I complain... I could go on but then you might not like me anymore so I'll stop there.

Five places I have lived:

1. Hampton, VA
2. Richmond, VA
3. Sacramento, CA
4. Newport News, VA
5. Florida

Five jobs that I have had:

1. Waitress
2. Hairstylist
3. Worked in Retail
4. Job Coach (working with disabled adults who needed help to gain and maintain employment)
5. "World of Work" Coordinator (working with middle school students with specified learning disabilities who may or may not be college bound to expose them to different jobs)

Five people I want to know more about (A nice way to say TAG!)….

I have a hard time tagging people... so if you read this and have a blog and want to do this meme... then "tag"!!


Geezer said...


Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

I finished my bachelor in early childhood education in 2005 I was a solo mum with a 10 year old daughter (shes estranged now) and a 7year old son when i started I use to look at mums with younger children and wonder how they did it i know i couldnt have had my children been younger
and you worked too!!!
did you go to uni full time?
I went part time in my final year it was too hard going full time (and it only meant an extra 6 months)

good on you for choosing healthy snacks

my sister was a hair dresser until she got married and had a big family

the job coaching must have been interesting

thanks for doing this Jen it was interesting:)
