Thursday, March 13, 2008

Golf and a Movie

We've been really busy around here lately. So busy that I haven't posted in a while and even now, I have no pictures to share. Our "normal" days have been flying by, occupying us with scouts, co-op, honor club, kids klub and of course school. One new activity we just found is an organized games day for homeschoolers at a local park- much like PE- and the boys enjoyed themselves immensely.
Today, however, was a vacation day for all of us. Kevin took off work and took Sully to a PGA game. They have yet to return and tell me about their day. I'm hoping they at least got a peek at Tiger Woods but if not there are other players they'd like to see- Singh and Mickelson being two. Since the big boys were going to be off enjoying the day, it didn't seem fair to hold school for Nathan so he had the choice of going to the zoo or the movies. He chose the movies as long as I agreed that a zoo trip is somewhere in our near future. We saw The Spiderwick Chronicles. I'm eager to check the books out from the library because the story seems like it might be a fun read aloud.
After the movie, Nathan and I, both in need of new tennis shoes, went shopping for a bit- first to the shoe store then to thrift for a while. He's very happy with his new shoes and we found a couple of books at the thrift store- and while I DO remember posting that I wasn't going to buy anymore books, I have a really hard time passing them up!
Tomorrow is the last day of our local church fish fry, until next year. We've really enjoyed Friday dinners this Lent. I'm looking forward to attending an annual community garage sale on Saturday where I will probably bring home at least a few books.
Well, the boys have come home and are busy telling me about seeing Tiger play!

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