Thursday, July 19, 2007

Roseate Spoonbill

I had seen this guy hanging at the park earlier this week so when I went yesterday I tossed my camera in the car hoping to get a shot. The first time we saw these birds was on a trip down one of the birding trails along the nature reserve. There was a huge flock of them. I've never seen a solitary spoonbill but maybe he thinks he's an Ibis? I love these prehistoric looking birds- Florida is a great place for birdwatching.

The foggy looking shots are just my camera lens fogging over because of the heat.


Geezer said...

Great photos! I'm always sad that when I've been able to travel somewhere in the U.S. recently, I haven't been able to afford an extra day or two (in Colorado, for example) to just go out looking for and photographing birds.

Jen said...

I LOVE to birdwatch but rarely take the time... the boys are lukewarm birdwatchers and look at me like I'm a loon (pardon the pun) when I get so excited about seeing different birds. My favorite birds visiting our backyard last year were a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers but I didn't get a picture and haven't seen them since.