Per Tradition, we, along with Chris and Cori, spent Easter weekend in Boca Raton with Kevin's grandmom and Mike and per tradition, we had a lovely visit.
"Granny" made reservations for Saturday dinner at Pete's, which is a wonderful place- great atmosphere and terrific food.After dinner when we contemplated coloring Easter eggs, Nathan remarked, "I've never colored Easter eggs in my life," so we remedied that.

The boys usually participate in the condo's Annual Easter Egg Hunt organized by a generous neighbor but the this year's hunt fell during Mass so they had their own private hunt with eggs provided by Granny and baskets and prizes provided by her neighbor.
We were able to swim both yesterday and today even though it was bordering on chilly for these FL folks. Swimming is always a hit and by the end of the visit Nathan was back and forth between grownups- no floaties, no goggles. Way to go!!! Sully was practicing for the Scout swim test and enlisted another of Granny's neighbors to help fine tune his floating- he's so tall and lean that he's a sinker and has to work extra hard to stay afloat on his back.EASTER MORNING
Of course the Easter Bunny showed up in force and everyone has eaten too much chocolate... can you really eat too much chocolate?
And not to forget the true meaning of Easter I'll end with this story... After examining the contents of his Easter basket Nathan remarked on the chocolate lamb he found. He pondered aloud at why the Easter Bunny would leave a lamb... "Oh, I know! They used to sacrifice lambs and then Jesus was the sacrifice and on Easter he rose from the dead." Out of the mouths of babes.
Granny and Mike, Thank you again for hosting another wonderful Easter weekend.
Thank you for sharing the pictures and stories of what you and the boys have been up to, especially at Easter. It's hard for a Grandma to be so far away from grandchildren, children and parents on special days and events (Easter, losing a front tooth), but I almost feel as if I were there watching Sully in the pool and Nathan and Kevin dying eggs. Nice family picture! Doesn't Granny look great? And Sully is getting so tall! I'm so proud of Nathan for his comments on "the lamb." Miss you all, so keep posting!
looks like a wonderful way to spend Easter!
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